Trusted providers.

When I put my name behind someone, I stand by them. These are the providers I use.


Equine Kneads.

Helping horses of all disciplines achieve optimal performance through optimal mobility.

Equine Kneads is a certified equine sports massage therapy provider. Through the use of various techniques including massage, acupressure, applied kinesiology, myofascial release and even essential oils, Equine Kneads works with your horse to achieve physiological balance.

As with any athlete, proper care and treatment of muscles, tendons and ligaments, helps to prevent injuries.


Safe & Sound Saddle Fit.

Safe and Sound Saddle Fit provides saddle fitting, flocking adjustments, bridle and bit fitting, custom County Saddles and House of Montar bridles to the state of Minnesota and surrounding areas in western/north Wisconsin, northern Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Contact us to see how optimal tack fit can help you and your horse enjoy a long, sound, healthy, and happy partnership.


Legacy Equine Nutrition.

Unbiased, science-based, effective equine nutrition programs.

Rachel’s programs incorporate current nutrition science, and the unique needs of individual horses to create easy-to-follow, effective feeding programs. The programs she develops incorporate every nutritional tool possible to help her clients look, feel and perform their absolute best. She does this because she firmly believes that when your horse feels his or her best, their unique qualities, athletic potential, and individual personality can come out fully. Optimal nutrition is paramount to achieving this and she is here to help you with this!


Ad Astra Eventing.

If you and your horse are not being trained correctly, you both are much more likely to develop biomechanical problems and even physical pain- let alone issues with progressing in your sport! A correct program is essential to developing healthy athletes.

Allie Anderson is a horse trainer, coach, teacher, and business owner of Ad Astra Eventing. Allie’s goal through teaching and training is to develop competent, happy and skilled riders and horses. Eventing is a truly challenging sport and requires blood, sweat and tears to achieve in the lowest or highest levels. That is the inspiration for the name "Ad Astra", from the Latin phrase " per aspera ad astra" meaning, "through difficulty to the stars".

She believes, "As Eventers we all challenge ourselves daily, whether it is to reach the highest five star level or simply to better ourselves as riders and horsemen and women. Either way the journey is certainly worth the effort."


St. Croix Saddlery.

St. Croix Saddlery is the premiere tack shop in the twin cities areas. Having the correct equipment is a huge piece of the equestrian’s puzzle. Owner Christy Weflen and her employees go above and beyond to make sure each rider is satisfied with their purchases.


IN8 FLOW Chiropractic.

Chances are, if your horse needs chiropractic care you do too. Come and see Dr. Shelby and Dr. Taylor for a tune up!

Everyone can benefit from chiropractic care and the elimination of subluxations (or misalignments) of the spine. These misalignments put stress on your nerve and energy systems, which in turn can have have many consequences. Ultimately, this stress diminishes your body’s ability to express life and health.

Many people understand that chiropractic care can help with many symptoms. However, it’s not just limited to lower back pain and headaches. By removing the subluxations, your body is able to express life the way it was intended - - - vibrant and full of health.