Meet Dr. Taylor.

Myself, Zoey, Ava, and my awesome husband Sid.

Myself, Zoey, Ava, and my awesome husband Sid.

My parents and I at my whitecoat ceremony .

My parents and I at my whitecoat ceremony .

My friend and I after graduating the AVCA accredited  animal chiropractic course in Dallas, TX.

My friend and I after graduating the AVCA accredited animal chiropractic course in Dallas, TX.

About Dr. Taylor

Hi all! I live in Woodville, WI with my husband Sid and our two Alaskan Malamutes Zoey and Ava. We own a small farm which is the namesake of my chiropractic business- Seven Acre Farm. We make our best attempt at raising poultry and vegetables for our family and also have multiple (you guessed it) horses on the property.

I have always had a passion for horses and riding. Currently I compete as an adult amateur in the sport of Eventing up through the preliminary level. I ride an exceptionally fiery thoroughbred gelding, a sweet-as-pie Appendix gelding, and will soon be starting my homebred Trakehner filly as well.

Equine chiropractic and bodywork have been instrumental in assisting my personal horses compete and feel their best. I believe in a “natural first” approach to medicine and prefer to find the root cause of the issue at hand instead of immediately masking pain with pharmaceutical assistance or jumping right to invasive veterinary procedures. I believe in giving the body all opportunity to do what it was made to do - heal naturally.

Multidisciplinary patient centered care is also important to me. I so deeply enjoy working with veterinarians and other equine health professionals for the betterment of the horse. Though I seek to use natural medicine first, I understand that veterinary medicine is an essential part of overall wellness care.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I hope to see you and your equine friends soon!